Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts

Monday, February 09, 2009

Top Joker Quotes

Dark Knight: The more I think about this movie, the more I am liking it. I now begin to hunt for Heath Ledger's other movies as well. It is a pity that he is no more.

Some of the quotes of Joker I liked the most:
"I’m like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one…I’d just do things."

"I believe… whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger."

"You know, madness is a lot like gravity… sometimes all you need is a little push."

"Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos, I’m an agent of chaos , and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair."

"Don’t talk like one of them, you’re not! Even if you’d like to be. To them, you’re just a freak–like me. They need you right now. When they don’t…they’ll cast you out. Like a leper. See, their morals, their code: it’s a bad joke. They’re dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see, when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other."

"I don’t want to kill you. What would I do without you? Go back to ripen off mob dealers, no, no, no, no, you…You complete…me." (Whenever I think of this dialogue, I somehow relate Rafael Nadal telling it to Roger Federer)

"You… you just couldn’t let me go could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You are truly incorruptable aren’t you. You won’t kill me because of some misplaced sense of self-rightousness. And I won’t kill you because…you’re just too much fun. I get the feeling that you and I are destined to do this forever."

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Self-sufficiency & Terrorism

OM: When did India lose its self-sufficiency in rice?
PS: I don’t know about this self-sufficiency thing; but why are you asking about it all of a sudden?
OM: Because I heard Bush is sending Rice immediately to help counter the present crisis

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


From a forwarded mail:

Easy to think about improving
Difficult to stop thinking and doing it

Monday, November 17, 2008

Of Nouns and Collective Nouns

Going back to school-days, I started wondering about collective nouns. You will call:
a group of ants: a colony;
a group of flowers: a bouquet
a group of birds: a flock
a group of bees: a swarm
a group of wolves: a pack
a group of lions: a pride
a group of selvanayagams: a tissuevanayagam

And when I tell this to people around, they have started quarantining me. This is Kaliyuga and greatness is repelled.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


In capitalism man exploits man.
In communism it's the other way round.

Btw, how to file patent for "Politiquote"? ;)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Paradox of Left

Most rights want things to be left alone.
Left alone thinks otherwise.